Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian government will provide subsidy to “Tamara Fruit” Company at the volume of $3.4mln. Mediamax reports that, speaking at the session of the government today, Nerses Yeritsyan stated that the company sent the corresponding request to the operative staff of the government. It is expected that, having gained the subsidy, the company will create 120 new workplaces, will produce up to 3000 tons of organic feedstock annually and will secure export at the volume of 8.6-8.7bln AMD in the period up to the year of 2020. The provision of a state subsidy provides for realization of the company’s audit by an internationally accepted auditor. “The decision on subsidizing is based on logics of the crisis prevention measures”, Nerses Yeritsyan stated. “We are opening a new page in the sphere of relations between the state and the private sector, when the state renders direct support to successful business, helping it to expand its opportunities”, the Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian stated. By another decision, the government prolonged the term of customs payments for the import of “VKS Armenia” LLC equipment, which is the official representative of the German “Textile Solutions” Company in Armenia. “VKS Armenia produces high quality textile items and secures 700 workplaces in Yerevan and Vanadzor”, Nerses Yeritsyan stated, adding that in 2008 the company exported 324 000 item of clothes to Germany. According to development strategy of the company, it plans to launch productions in other regions of Armenia as well and secure 10 thousand workplaces in total. “Besides, the operative staff of the government received an offer to assist “Taron” textile company, and we proposed “VKS Armenia” to render it support”, the Minister stated. Tweet Views 12168