Ameriabank offers mortgage loans for the Diaspora compatriots

21.05.2024 | 15:52 Home / News /
#Ameriabank #mortgage loans #Diaspora
Ameriabank offers mortgage loans for our compatriots in the Diaspora. To buy real estate in Armenia, our compatriots in the Diaspora can apply to Ameriabank online to buy, renovate or build a home anywhere in Armenia, regardless of their country of residence and current location.

The bank said that when making a loan decision, the fact whether the applicant has registered income in Armenia, and the applicant’s permanent residency, are not essential. The client’s income in another country is considered as the source of income. Disbursement and service fees are not charged on these loans.

The mortgage loan can be provided in AMD, USD or Euros, for a term of 60-360 months. Full terms and conditions of loans and other details are available on Ameriabank’s website.

To make use of the offer, the client needs to fill in the application form on Ameriabank’s website, after which the bank’s specialist will contact the client to discuss the terms of the loan.
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