At Career City Fest 2024, Idram and IDBank will have their distinctive and orange booths. In Career City this year also for two days, on April 27 and 28, there is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the corporate culture of Idram and IDBank and the vacant positions.“In our shared booth, you will not only participate in various quizzes and win gifts, but more importantly, you will have an opportunity to communicate directly with employees and managers of Human Resources Management, ask them questions and receive valuable advice for your career.By the way, during the CCF, you will have the opportunity to learn more about IDBank’s IDream program and even apply to participate in the upcoming IDream 11 program,” the news release says.It is noted that both Idram and IDBank pay great importance to the creation of complete and comfortable working conditions for their employees and offer a whole package of benefits. “In addition, the professional growth of our employees is extremely important to us, so being an employee of IDBank or Idram, you will have great opportunities for training and professional growth. We are waiting for you in our booths to discover together the world full of new professional opportunities,” the news release reads.The companies are supervised by CBA. Tweet Views 9268