AraratBank – general sponsor of DigiCode 2023 Youth National Applied Programming Contest

28.04.2023 | 17:51 Home / News /
#AraratBank #DigiCode 2023
The final stage of DigiCode 2023 Youth National Applied Programming Contest will be launched on April 29, from 11:00 to 17:00 at the American University of Armenia. Over 20 teams will partake in the finals. The teams will present projects ranging from physical and mathematical modeling to smart cribs and smart home security systems.

This is the eighth contest held since 2015. Thousands of schoolchildren have participated in the contest and have won prizes, awards and camp invitations over these years. AraratBank acts as the general sponsor of the regional and national stages of the contest.

In tandem with the national contest, the Olympiad of K-turtle and Python programs of algorithmic solutions will take place at the American University of Armenia. More than 30 young people who have passed the regional stage will assemble for the contest.

“The cooperation experience with the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises demonstrates that by combining efforts and resources, we unwittingly become actors of good changes, offering children with an engineering and analytical mindset the opportunity to grow and improve in programming. We thank the Union for bringing together children – creators of Armenia’s future development code - around this important initiative,” said Mher Ananyan, Chairman of the Executive Board of AraratBank.

“The wide-scale implementation of DigiCode proves for years that there has been a growing interest in creating the development code of Armenia among young people in our country. This year’s regional stage of the contest was held in 5 regions simultaneously. 400 youngsters selected from over 1000 applications competed in the contest. We have again witnessed that competitions are another inspiring opportunity for young people to strive to create more and achieve more. Parents also feel the results recorded by young people, starting from school and onwards. It is necessary that the communities themselves join together and play a part in dissemination of Armath and establishment of new labs,” said Hayk Chobanyan, Executive Director at UATE.

The main purpose of DigiCode is to encourage and develop students’ algorithmic thinking, turn them from game consumers to game makers, to identify talented young people and to give an opportunity to develop creative abilities.
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