VivaCell market share reached 74%, MTS report reads

17.04.2008 | 11:05 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. The market share of the Armenian VivaCell mobile operator as of the end of the fourth quarter of 2007 reached 74%##.

Mediamax reports that the report on financial results of “Mobile TeleSystems” OJSC (MTS) for the fourth quarter of 2007 and the year of 2007 reads this. MTS is the owner of 80% share of VivaCell.

The start of MTS activity in Armenia and the gaining frequencies for building 3G network in Armenia are mentioned in the report among the basic branch and corporate events of 2007.

The report reads that in the fourth quarter of 2007, the subscriber base of MTS in Armenia increased for 0.3mln subscribers.

In 2007, the capital investments of MTS in fixed assets in Armenia made $11mln, the expenditures for purchasing non-material assets - $3mln.

The gains of MTS in Armenia in the fourth quarter of 2007 made $58mln, the net income - $7mln. ARPU of VivaCell in the fourth quarter of 2007 made $15.8.

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