World Bank: We will help countries to address the economic impacts of the crisis

04.05.2020 | 14:24 Home / News /
#World Bank #Anna Bjerde #coronavirus
Anna Bjerde, who has been appointed World Bank Vice President for Europe and Central Asia on May 1, has stated that the bank will provide in the short term fast-track financing and policy tools to help protect people’s lives and livelihoods.

“As Vice President for Europe and Central Asia, I will work very closely with governments in client countries to help them achieve strong development outcomes, but our immediate focus is on addressing the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said.

The World Bank has said that it has committed more than USD 1.4 billion to help countries in Europe and Central Asia mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.
Since April 2, 2020, around USD 490 million has been approved through new emergency response projects. In addition, up to USD 925 million is being reallocated, used, or made available from existing projects and lending, including additional financing, to help countries with their COVID-19 response.

This financing is paying for medical equipment, including test kits, respirators and ventilators, and strengthening the capacity of health systems, including training for health care workers, along with social protection support for the most vulnerable people affected by COVID-19.

Several countries in the region are currently in discussions with the World Bank about future projects and support to help them address the impacts of the pandemic.
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