IDBank has launched the “Rocket Loan” service, which gives an opportunity to get up to AMD 5 million loan with the speed of a rocket, without leaving home. The service is available through online platform, as well as through Idram application.“#Stayhome, and if you need money take advantage of the instant “Rocket” loan straight from the Idram app. At any moment, just a few simple steps from any place are needed and the loan amount will be on your account; there are no hidden commission fees, the loan amount can be transferred to any other account or card,” the press release of the Bank reads.Head of IDBank Marketing Department Tatevik Hovhannisyan noted that taking into consideration the importance of digital tools and products at present conditions, the Bank has replenished its already existing digital toolset with this proposal.“Fortunately, we offer our clients a complete range of remote services, with an opportunity to get more than 250 services, from making payments to getting online loans through online platform and the Idram app. “One of the advantages of “Rocket Loan” is that even without being a client of the Bank, in the process of submitting a loan application, with the help of Idram, you can pass a full remote identification and receive the loan without having to visit the Bank. Directly from the Idram app, customers can make payments for utilities, various services, online and offline remote payments, QR and NFC payments for products and services in stores,” said Tatevik Hovhannisyan.If you don't have an Idram app yet, download it from the App Store or Google Play and take advantage of the complete range of remote services.More details about Rocket Loan are available here.The Bank is controlled by the CBA. Tweet Views 9984