Responding quickly to the unified fight against the new coronavirus and following the numerous calls from its customers, Inecobank announces that as of now via selecting COVID19 template in the “Transactions” section of InecoMobile application within a few seconds you can make your contribution to this important cause and transfer funds to the treasury account opened by the RA Ministry of Finance. The Treasury Account has been opened to support the prevention and treatment of coronavirus disease in the Republic of Armenia. If you are not yet a user of the application or a customer of the Bank, you can download the application and join this mission after attaching to the application a card issued by other banks.Earlier this week, Inecobank issued a statement on joining the fight against the new coronavirus. The bank transferred AMD 20 MLN to fund the construction of a new modular reception hall at “NORK” Infectious Clinical Hospital, the launch of which has recently been announced by the RA Minister of Health, Arsen Torosyan, who said that as a result of this initiative the hospital will have additional new 40 wards within the coming 3 to 4 days.- To download InecoMobile application: - To attach a card to InecoMobile application: - Detailed information on the Treasury Account: Tweet Views 11003