With the support of Business Armenia, 14 light industry companies from Armenia participate in CPM-Collection Premiere Moscow 2019, the international exhibition of fashion and textile products on February 25-28.“Last year, 5 of the participating companies signed contracts worth of AMD 230 million. This year, companies with great export potential are also participating, among which new brands that have been presented for the first time,” said Lusine Hovhannisyan, Event Organizer at Business Armenia. 12.12.2018 | 11:20 40% of Armenia’s textile and leather production exported to EU Busienss Armenia noted that Armenia’s fashion and textile products are represented at CPM 2019 in 2 national pavilions.The first one presents knitted underwear, home and sports products of Alex, Melante, Araqsa, and Viva brands.The second includes fashionable models of Z.G.Eest, Kivera, Zakaryan, Ruzane, Shabeeg, Margonie, Petoor, and Artuyt.CPM is the largest exhibition of fashion industry in Eastern Europe. It includes all sectors of the light industry. There are 50 groups of products displayed in 15 halls. The exhibition has over 20 000 visitors: wholesalers, industry experts, distributors, trading networks, and importers. Tweet Views 4114