Revolut, a British fintech startup with Russian roots, has launched its stock trading feature, Rusbase business portal reports. The feature is limited to 300 U.S.-listed stocks on NASDAQ and NYSE. It is available for Revolut Metal customers for now. As long as customers make less than 100 trades per month, they don’t pay anything other than their monthly subscription. Any trade above that limit costs GBP 1 per trade and an annual custody fee of 0.01%. 13.12.2018 | 14:28 Fintech startup Revolut receives a European banking license Revolut’s statement reads that the commission and annual custody fees will be waived during the beta period. These will come into effect later, and the company will communicate with the public in advance about when that will be. Revolut is a banking service that enables opening of an account, currency exchange, as well as domestic and international transfers. The fintech startup was founded in 2015 by Russian Nikolay Storonsky and Ukrainin Vladyslav Yatsenko in London.The company was valued at USD 1.7bn in 2018. The startup announced at the end of the year its intention to expand into Japan, Singapore and U.S. The partner of Fintech section is Tweet Views 20884