AraratBank will underwrite AMD and USD-denominated nominal coupon bonds of FINCA UCO CJSC between November 16 and November 18, 2022. The bank said in a news release that the placement of bonds will be performed through a standard closed auction. Bonds not placed on the previous offering day will be transferred to the following day until the volume of bonds proposed for placement fully expires.Bonds for a total volume of AMD 1,000,000,000 (one billion) with а coupon yield of 13% per annum and USD 1,000,000 (one million) with a coupon yield of 7.5% per annum will be placed. The nominal value of an AMD-denominated bond shall stand at AMD 10,000, while a USD-denominated bond shall have a nominal value of USD 25. The maturity period of both AMD- and USD-denominated bonds is 24 months.It notes that the results of each auction day, such as the allocated volume, cut-off price, number of auction participants and other relevant data will be published on the official websites of ARARATBANK OJSC and FINCA UCO CJSC, and Tweet Views 91520