Law on CTP serves the interests of separate individuals, “Heritage” claims

07.02.2011 | 12:53 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The winter session of the Armenian National Assembly began in Yerevan today.

Opening the session, National Assembly Chairman Hovik Abrahamian said that the opposition “Heritage” Party submitted an application on including into the agenda the issue of invalidating the law on “Compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance, CTP”, Mediamax reports.

The Standing Committee on Finance, Credit, and Budgetary Affairs gave negative conclusion to the proposal of “heritage”.

The head of “Heritage” faction Armen Martirosyan said that the law on CTP doesn’t proceed from the interests of Armenian citizens, but serves the interests of separate individuals. He called upon the deputies to vote for making amendments to the “big agenda”, however, only 21 voted “for” and 64 “against”.

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