The volume of overdue credits in the banking system of Armenia reduced by 19.4% in a month

27.09.2010 | 10:39 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Credit portfolio of Armenian banks in the end of July, 2010, made 817bln 433mln AMD, increasing by 1.46% or by 11bln 796mln AMD, as compared to June.

As Mediamax was informed in the National Statistical Service of Armenia, the volume of credits, provided by banks in foreign currency, as of the end of July made 426bln 376mln AMD, and in national currency – 347bln 912mln AMD. The volume of credits in foreign currency increased by 11bln 761mln AMD (2.83%), as compared to June, and the volume of AMD credits reduced by 1.24% or by 4bln 362mln AMD.

The volume of overdue credits in the banking system of Armenia as of the end of July made 4bln 124mln AMD, having reduced by 994mln AMD or by 19.4%, as compared to June. At that, the sum of overdue credits increased by 5bln 391mln AMD (16%), as compared to June, and made 39bln 21mln AMD.

The volume of credits, issued by credit organizations of Armenia as of the end of July, 2010, made 54bln 486mln AMD, having reduced by 247mln AMD, as compared to June.

The volume of deposits, attracted by Armenian commercial banks as of the end of July, 2010, made 635bln 995mln AMD, having increased by 8bln 309mln AMD, as compared to June. At that, as compared to March, 2010, the aggregate volume of deposits reduced by 8.4% or by 58bln 132mln AMD.

The volume of residents’ deposits made 532bln 228mln AMD as of the end of July, having increased by 9bln 972mln AMD, as compared to June, while the deposits of non-residents in the same period reduced by 1bln 662mln, making 103bln 768mln AMD. As compared to March, both the volume of residents’ deposits (by 36bln 302mln AMD) and of non-residents’ deposits (by 21bln 830mln AMD) reduced.

The volume of deposits in foreign currency as of the end of July made 463bln 29mln AMD (72.8% from the total sum of the deposits), in national currency – 172bln 967mln AMD (27.2%). As compared to February, 2010, the share of deposits in foreign currency reduced by 1.9 percentage points.

The remainder on deposits in banks as of the end of July, 2010, made 312 554mln AMD, having increased by 25%, as compared to the same period of 2009.

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