“Converse Bank” and ArCa introduced a new ArCaDirect system

08.06.2010 | 12:57 Home / News / News /

Yerevan/Mediamax/. “Converse Bank”, jointly with ArCa united payment system, implemented ArCaDirect system.

Mediamax was informed in the press service of “Converse Bank” that the system allows carrying out the following card operations online:

- online debiting of card accounts (cashing, making orders on payment);
- currency exchange, credit repayment, utility service payments;
- transfers from one card to another;
- provision of remainders on card accounts.

Due to ArCaDirect system, holders of ArCa, Visa and MasterCard cards of “Converse Bank”, by presenting the number of the card account at a bank, may withdraw a sum from the account or make orders on payments.

The bank noted that within the nearest few days, due to the system, it will become possible to conclude deals without presenting the plastic card itself.

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