Revenues of Armenia’s state budget reduced by 14.6% in January-February, 2009

21.04.2009 | 14:43 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. In January-February, 2009, revenues of the state budget of Armenia cut down, as compared to the analogous period of 2008, by 14.6%, making 84bln 644.9mln.

As Mediamax was told in the National Statistical Service of Armenia, revenues of the state budget from tax proceeds in January-February cut down by 17.5%, making 65bln 011.1mln AMD. At that, tax proceeds in January-February secured 76.8% of the state budget revenues, making 23% in correlation to the GDP.

Volume of obligatory social payments in January-February, 2009, reduced as compared to the analogous period of 2008 by 5.4%, making 12bln 781.8mln AMD.

Expenses of the state budget in January-February, 2009, increased by 5.3%, making 98bln 910.2mln AMD. State budget deficit in the accounted period made 14bln 265.3mln AMD.

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