Yerevan /Mediamax/. “Unibank” announced two new deposit types today: “Unistream-Express” and “Stability”. As Mediamax was told in the press service of the bank, the main peculiarity of “Unistream-Express” deposit is the fact that the deposit is formed and replenished only at the expense of money transfers by “Unistream” system. The term of the deposit is unlimited, the depositor may at any moment recall the means and receive the interest sum. The deposit is accepted both in AMD and in currency. The annual interest rate for AMD “Unistream-Express” deposit makes 12%, in currency – 10%. The given type of deposit also allows partial withdrawal of the sum, if the minimal remainder of the deposit is preserved. Concerning “Stability” deposit, in case of pre-term interruption of the deposit agreement, the customer of paid high interest rates (up to 14%) according to the number of factual days the sum was in the bank. The annual interest rates for “Stability” deposit make 14% for AMD deposits and 10% for deposits in currency. Replenishment of the deposit may be realized without any limitations. Provision of overdraft at the volume of 90% of the deposit sum is also planned for. Tweet Views 12001