The parliament initiated discussion of amendments to registration of company names for financial-credit organizations

08.04.2009 | 14:06 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian National Assembly took up today discussion of a package of legislative changes concerning registration of company names for financial-credit organizations.

Mediamax reports that the Minister of Economy of Armenia Nerses Yeritsyan stated at the session of the parliament today that at the moment the registration process of company names for banks, credit organizations and insurance companies is realized by the Central Bank informally. He noted that the proposed changes will attach legal effect to the registration process of company names by CB.

Chairman of Standing Parliamentary Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Issues Gagik Minasyan stated that the corresponding Committee gave a positive assessment to the proposed changes. According to him, after the approval of the amendments, the Intellectual Property Agency of Armenia will be obliged to electronically meet the inquiry of CB within 24 hours on the possibility of registering a company name of a bank, credit organizations, insurance companies and exchanges.

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