Yerevan /Mediamax/. Cessation of listing of “Express-Credit” Universal Credit Organization’s bonds at the Armenian Stock Exchange (Armex) is conditioned by practical absence of deals. Executive Director, Chairman of “Express-Credit” Board Armen Arzumanyan stated in an interview to Mediamax that in the whole course of the listing at Armex, there were only 5 deals concluded with the bonds of the organization. Armen Arzumanyan noted that at present the organization’s bonds are traded at the off-exchange market with the help of “Armswissbank”, which is the underwriter of the issue. Listing of “Express-Credit” bonds (listing date – August 21, 2008) at Armex has been stopped starting December 26, 2008. The total volume of the issue makes 150mln AMD, the repayment date – January 29, 2010. Tweet Views 13155