MTS has a quiet attitude towards the arrival of the third operator in the Armenian market

15.10.2008 | 16:48 Home / News / News /

Yerevan /Mediamax/. MTS Group has a quiet attitude towards the arrival of the third mobile operator## in the Armenian market.

MTS Vice-President on Corporate Communications Andrey Terebenin told Mediamax correspondent about this in Yerevan today.

According to him, from the regulator’s point of view, this decision is quite logical.

“VivaCell-MTS feels self-confident”, MTS Vice-President stressed. He noted that the Company has done a lot to consolidate its brand in Armenia.

Talking about the prospects of the final rebranding of VivaCell-MTS, Andrey Terebenin stated that the discussion of the given issue is yet in process.

“We want to take the best from MTS and VivaCell for the customers to benefit from that. We will not do anything to oppose the interests of our subscribers”, MTS Vice-President stated.

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