The next beneficiary of "The Power of One Dram" is "QaylTech" company

08.07.2022 | 13:28 Home / News /
#Idram #IDBank #“reArmenia”
On July 6, Idram, IDBank and the "reArmenia" platform signed a memorandum of cooperation, by which they agreed regularly include the projects of “reArmenia” platform in the "Power of One Dram" programs. As a result of July's cooperation, the entire amount of "The Power of One Dram" will be directed to the "QaylTech" company, which has created an exclusive Armenian innovative product - the MetaGait device.

MetaGait helps disabled soldiers and children with cerebral palsy regain mobility.

“We are confident that thanks to innovative equipment, our compatriots with musculoskeletal problems, soldiers with disabilities and children with cerebral palsy will receive full-fledged rehabilitation treatment in Armenia. This program provides an opportunity to change people's lives,” said Mher Abrahamyan, Chairman of the Management Board of IDBank.

“People with walking disabilities get more than 30 diseases, some of which are deadly. Thanks to MetaGait, these diseases are prevented, because in fact these people walk with the help of the device,” said Gevorg Poghosyan, director of the "reArmenia" cooperation platform.

"The power of one dram" has already transferred more than 85 million to various foundations that carry out important activities in our country.

“Become a goodwill ambassador of "The power of one dram" by simply making payments through the Idram&IDBank application, the online platform, website, or through the terminals of the companies. Through the Idram&IDBank application, you can make payments at more than 10.500 points of sale and in more than 900 online stores and for 400+ services included in the system,” the bank said in a news release.
Companies are controlled by the CB of RA
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