Converse Bank offers a comprehensive package of banking services on online platforms, including new online shopping solutions.“We place high emphasis on the anti-epidemic safety of our customers and offer to move banking transactions and all the necessary tools for them to online platforms, providing also safe and profitable options for making purchases from online stores. One of these options is the use a VISA Virtual account/card. Every customer of Converse Bank, having registered in the new Mobile application, receives it for free and participates in the campaign which will take place from June 15 to July 14. As part of this campaign, all VISA virtual cardholders of the bank can make online purchases and receive up to 50,000 AMD in Cashback as well as various surprise benefits,” said Karina Volkova, Head of Marketing at Converse Bank.Within the framework of the campaign, a surprise benefit is awaiting every 50th customer who has made a one-time purchase in the amount exceeding AMD 5,000.“VISAVirtual Card is similar in functionality and features to other Converse Bank cards. It is secure, easy to manage and allows you to make online purchases with simple steps without using a "traditional" card. Due to its capabilities, convenience and security, the number of VISA virtual cardholders increased by 50% in January-April this year,” the bank said in a statement.The maximum daily limit for non-cash transactions per currencies is as follows: AMD 1,000,000, USD 3,000, EUR 2,000, and RUB 100,000. These limits, however, can be modified at the customer's request.Clients can order a VISA virtual account/card from anywhere at their convenience, without having to visit the bank, by following just a few simple steps on the bank's website. In case of placing an online order before June 30, VISA virtual account/card will be provided free of charge and without service fee.The bank has recalled that the card is provided to the customer within one day. For security reasons, some of the card data will be sent to the customer by the latter’s email address, and the remaining details will be provided by SMS.The oversight of the bank is exercised by the Central Bank of Armenia. Tweet Views 11329