“COMSTAR-UTS” announced the start of construction of a wireless broadband access network in Armenia, based on WiMAX technology

31.01.2008 | 13:36 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, January 31 /Mediamax/. “COMSTAR-United TeleSystems” (“COMSTAR-UTS”) announced today the start of construction of a wireless broadband access network in Armenia, based on WiMAX technology.

As Mediamax was told in the “COMSTAR-UTS” today, the launch of the network into commercial exploitation is planned for the second half of 2008.

The construction of a network for mobile access to the Internet on WiMAX technology based on the 802.16e standard, is realized on the basis of “Cornet” operator (enters the group of “Collnet” telecommunication operators, which is owned by “COMSTARR-UTS”).

IN December of 2007, “COMSTAR-UTS” held a tender on provision of equipment for the base stations, as a result of which “Airspan Networks” (USA) Company became the provider.

At the first stage of the WiMAX network construction this year in Armenia, “COMSTAR-UTS” will build 24 base stations. The data transmission will be implemented via rented fibre-optic lines, as well as through radio bridges and radio relay channels.

“COMSTAR-UTS” intends to use its WiMAX network to provide high speed internet access, multimedia content delivery, voice services (VoIP), data transmission and the capability of creating virtual private networks (VPN).

“WiMAX is one of the most advanced and promising technologies which allows providing clients with a very broad range of telecommunications services. We intend to launch the network this year and, therefore, become the first and the largest wireless broadband internet operator in Armenia”, Sergey Pridantsev, President and Chief Executive Officer of “COMSTAR-UTS” stated.

“COMSTAR-UTS” company is included in AFK “Sistema”, which is the owner of the MTS mobile operator, controlling the 80% of the Armenian VivaCell mobile operator. In January of 2008, President of MTS Leonid Melamed did not rule out in an interview to Mediamax the possibility of convergence of VivaCell and “Cornet” services.

“Realization of convergent projects is possible, we are ready to consider proposals on realization of such services and assess their expediency, including the possible joint projects with “COMSTAR-OTS””, Leonid Melamed noted then.

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