Converse Bank has improved the terms of services offered to its young customers within the framework of the campaign “Create Your Credit History”. Given the demand for it, it will be offered to the bank’s customers as a separate product.Converse Bank announced the campaign “Create Your Credit History”, designed special for young customers, about two years ago, with the opening of “Yeritasardakan” branch at 105/1 Teryan Str. The branch offers comprehensive banking services to the students of the higher education institutions located nearby. “Today, with the launch of “Create Your Credit History” product, we are making another step towards enhancing access to the banking services offered to students,” the bank said.In particular, within the framework of “Create Your Credit History” product, Converse Bank offers its student customers the opportunity of obtaining loans with decreasing or renewable limit.“Lending is done within the shortest possible terms, on competitive conditions. The maximum amount of the credit limit is AMD 300,000, and for students who get scholarship - AMD 600,000, at the annual interest rate of 15 percent.Simultaneously, within the framework of the product Converse Bank offers the family members (parent, sister, brother, spouse) of the student holders of a student plastic card “Create Your Credit History” mortgage loans and car loans at a rate by 1 (one) percentage point lower than the current standard rate at the time of applying for the loan,” the bank explained.You can read about the “Create Your Credit History” product in more detail here. Tweet Views 16821