IDBank participates in the Mastercard “Spring in Paris” campaign and gives its Mastercard cardholders the opportunity to win a trip to Paris Disneyland for 4 people.“From March 1 to April 14, make purchases with Mastercard, gather coupons which costAMD 8,000 and more, register them at the promoters and exchange them with 2 tickets of CinemaStar or KinoPark.Register as many coupons as possible, and besides guaranteed prizes get an opportunity to participate in a draw and win a trip to Paris Disneyland for 4 people and spend the spring holidays with family in Paris,” the bank said.Registration of coupons can be made from March 8 to April 14, from 12:00 until 20:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at Dalma Garden Mall and Yerevan Mall, where you will receive movie tickets.The Grand Prize, a trip to Disneyland for 4 people, will be raffled randomly via Random Picker program at 12:00 on April 19.The winner will be announced on the same day on“Make your dream come true, make purchases with IDBank’s Mastercard and with the whole family you will have the chance to unlock the main gates of the World Disney Studios Park and spend dizzy weekends in one of the most dreamlike locations in the world!” the bank added.IDBank’s Mastercard can be purchased at any branch of the bank. Tweet Views 11205