Argentine Center to open at Brusov University with support of Converse Bank

13.11.2018 | 16:04 Home / News /
#Converse Bank #Argentine Center
Converse Bank will fund the opening of Argentine Center at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, as indicated in the memorandum of cooperation the two sides have signed.

According to the memorandum, Converse Bank will pay for renovation and cover the costs of equipping and furnishing the classroom for the Argentine Center.

“Participation in projects aimed at shaping, development and promotion of educational environment is one of the most important directions of Converse Bank’s corporate social responsibility. Establishment of the Argentine Center at Yerevan Brusov State University is another initiative we finance, which is aimed at improving the quality and conditions of education at the university and strengthening the Armenian-Argentine intercultural relations”, said Artur Hakobyan, Chief Executive Officer of Converse Bank.

In particular, Converse Bank supported the All-Armenian Tournament of Young Chemists in 2018, improvement of educational conditions at two schools in Gyumri, and a fintech solution contest conducted at the initiative and with support of the bank within the framework of Sevan Startup Summit 2018.

“This is an exceptional case when an initiative aimed at strengthening of educational and intercultural relations is implemented with the support of a business structure - Converse Bank. Opening of the Argentine Center will enable the university to involve specialists invited from Argentina in the educational process and promote development of Armenian-Argentine educational and cultural relations,” said Karine Harutyunyan, Rector of Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences.

The renovation has already started at the future center, and the opening is scheduled for the beginning of 2019.
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