“Armswissbank” became the first bank operating in Armenian financial market, which was granted a license for implementation of brokerage and custody operations

07.06.2007 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, June 7 /Mediamax/. “Armswissbank” CJSC became the first bank operating in Armenian financial market, which was granted a license for implementation of brokerage and custody operations.

Executive Director of “Armswissbank” Gevorg Machanian said this in an interview to Mediamax.

He noted that due to the recent changes in the sphere of regulations, commercial banks of Armenia gained the opportunity to take up specialized investment banking activity - provision of brokerage and custody services, as well as services on asset management.

The point, in particular, is the opportunity to carry out operations with corporative securities. Earlier, the banks could realize such operations only with state securities.

Gevorg Machanian stressed that, from the day when “Armswissbank” was established, it stated its intention to position itself as an investment bank. In fact, starting from May 30, the bank has the authorities, necessary for that, he stated.

The Head of “Armswissbank” noted that in the nearest future, the bank will secure the issue of corporative bonds of two major companies.

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