Iran and EAEU to sign free trade agreement soon

07.08.2017 | 10:16 Home / News /
#Hassan Rouhani #EAEU #Serzh Sargsyan
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and President of Iran Hassan Rouhani stressed the importance to the talks on free trade agreement between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union during their meeting in Tehran.

Iranian President noted that significant efforts have been implemented and stressed that signing of the document in near future will bring about satisfying results.

Hassan Rouhani also expressed his hope the Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to Tehran will give a new impetus to expansion and development of bilateral relations.

The interlocutors agreed that Armenian-Iranian economic relations have great potential, productive use of which requires consistent efforts.

The Presidents attached importance to large projects in several sectors and to implementation of new and perspective ones. They also remarked upon significance of using international transportation and transit routes that connect the Persian Gulf and the Black Sea through Armenia and Iran. The parties attached importance to developing trilateral cooperation (Iran-Armenia-Turkmenistan) in energy sector as well.
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