Armenian CB Chairman: Fixation of the exchange rate distorts the market relations

09.11.2006 | 16:55 Home / News / News /

Yerevan, November 9 /Mediamax/. Chairman of the Central Bank (CB) of Armenia Tigran Sarkisian stated today that the CB is not going to stimulate the exporters by means of fixing the currency exchange rate.

Mediamax reports that delivering a lection today at the Russian-Armenian University, Tigran Sarkisian stated that the fixation of the exchange rate is a dangerous phenomenon, which distorts the market relations.

“If the CB tries to control the exchange rate, that will mean setting up an artificial atmosphere, and when the potential of the latter is exhausted, there will be a crisis”, Tigran Sarkisian said.

He once again confirmed that the Central Bank continues the policy of floating exchange rate and securing the low level of inflation.

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