7th Issue of corporate bonds by ARARATBANK listed at NASDAQ OMX Armenia

08.08.2013 | 15:05 Home / News / Capital Market /

7th issue of corporate bonds by ARARATBANK listed today at NASDAQ OMX Armenia stock exchange's Bbond list.

This issue of the Company’s corporate bonds comprises 40,000 coupon bonds with nominal value of AMD 10,000, coupon yield of 13% and maturity period of 36 months. The issue will be traded under ARBKB7 ticker symbol, the stock exchange informs.

Currently, common nominal stocks of ARARATBANK (ARBK) are admitted to trading at NASDAQ OMX Armenia, while two issues of coupon bonds by the Company nominated in USD (ARBKB5, ARBKB6) are listed at Bbond list. Another 3 issues of corporate bonds by the Company were listed at the Exchange in 2007, 2008 and 2009, being successfully redeemed afterwards at their maturity.

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